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In 1968, Mr. Neftali Bermeo Jimenez, from a coffee-growing family, began the commercialization of parchment coffee in the Municipality of Timaná Huila in Colombia; being the pioneer in the distribution of coffee from this municipality for Colombian exporters and the national federation of coffee growers of Colombia; thus forming a cooperative to develop associative models and in this way benefit the coffee growers of the region.

It also extends its marketing in different municipalities of the department of Huila and Tolima by opening a drying plant in the City of Neiva Huila in 1994 and from there it centralizes its business; For the year 2005, negotiations were made at the national level with organic coffees in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, standard coffee in Pereira and Popayan, delivering all this coffee to Colombian and Multinational exporters who sent this coffee to roasters in different parts of the world.

In 2014, his son, Neftali Bermeo Estupiñan, took over the generation from his father, who is the founder of the Orocafé Timaná Association.
This is a non-profit organization that was created in 2014 with 43 members. To date, it has 95 members and 165 beneficiaries with a total of 260 coffee-growing families with a radius of action in different municipalities in the South of Huila, Timaná, Tarqui. , Mesa de Elias, Suaza, Oporapa, Pitalito, Acevedo and Guadalupe.



Our territory




Timana and its surroundings




Colombia Variety


Pink, Yellow, Red Bourbon .

Cenicafe 1



Planted in a total area of 728 hectares.
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